Tuesday 10 January 2012

Sketchbooking 3


Well I have already failed to add a picture from my sketchbooks every day but I haven't been idle!

I always carry a tiny A7 sketchbook in my pocket along with a pen so that any time I have an idea I will sketch it down. Heres a couple of examples:

Tiny Scribbles

I found that I often came up with a concept when I was out and about and by the time I got home I had forgotten about it so settled on the small sketchbook as it allows me to jot down anything that comes into my head. In this case its got some very early concepts for some new robots, namely the Valentines Series and the Reach out and Touch Romania robot I am planning on making. Theres also a bit of a sketch of a new Spacecow I hope to make soon too.

Although these are really very rough and no more than thumbnails I find them really handy when it comes to developing ideas as I have collected a back catalogue of small sketchbooks with doodles and ideas in them which can be altered and refined in a slightly larger and organised manner when required.

They are also very handy for sketching people, a practice my Animation lecturer would encourage us to do as often as possible. I would second this as I find it an invaluable practice.

Tiny Life Drawing Doodles

Slightly Developed 

They might only be very rough but they give one the basics of pose, movement and eventually developing a believable character. The sketches above come from the same project that resulted in my Space Captain Smith concept:

Space Captain Smith

Hopefully I will be able to show the development of these new sketches or at least continue drawing more and adding them here!

All the best!


  1. Sketching is good: helpful (for those who are able). The raygun looks like a spraygun I used to paint with. Enjoyed the sharing, Cow.

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for the comments!

    After moving house I must admit that I have hardly put pen to paper but have finally got myself motivated!

    All the best!
